Teacher, Trumpeter, Conductor,
Author, & Music Technology Specialist
Products I use to make my music
http://peterjperry.wix.com/rmhs-instr-music - The Instrumental Music site for Richard Montgomery HS.
www.ti-me.org - The website for the Technology Institute for Music Educators.
www.podomatic.com – A great website that allows you to post your podcasts online without much effort. There are thousands of podcasts on the site.
www.freedigitalrecorder.com – A great digital audio editor. Open source--main features do not disable after the trial period is over.
http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ - The web’s only totally, free, full-functioning digital audio editor.
http://musictheory.net/ - Great resource for music education tools. Theory and more!!!
http://www.reaper.fm/ - A GREAT digital audio workstation requires no dongle, has no copy protection, and can be evaluated with full functionality.
http://www.harmonize.com/metropolis/online_pitch_pipe.htm Free Online Tuner.
http://www.zamzar.com/ - Zamzar is an audio and video File Converter
Email-Me-Form allows you to create online electronic forms and collect the information respondents put into the forms.
http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/ ProProfs Online Quiz creator allows you to generate, administer, and score quizzes online. It also allows you to get feedback on student results.
http://www.edublogs.org – EduBlogs allows you to create free blogs for your classes.
http://www.jamstudio.com/Studio/index.htm - Jam Studio is a loop-based accompaniment creator.
http://www.clubcreate.com/about/index.html Club Create -allows you to create various types of loop-based electronic music.
http://www.webmetronome.com/ Online Metronome
http://www.noteflight.com/login Noteflight is a free online Music Notation Program. A paid subscription version is available that has more features.
http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ Music History 102 is a Guide to Western Composers and their Music from the Middle Ages to the Present
http://www.ariama.com/ Ariama- Great place to find classical recordings
http://guest.portaportal.com/music_byrd Compendium of effective elementary music links created by Deborah Byrd, doctoral music education student and former music teacher at Mary Peake Gifted School in Hampton, VA.
Jazz Software
Band in a Box – Improvisation software
Impro-Visor – Open source (Free)
improvisation software
Big Ears Ear Training Software –Jazz ear training
Jazz Scale Suggester System – Jazz chord and scale tool
Real book Software- Real Book, Recordings, Band in a Box files, & MIDI files
Solo Transcription Tools
Transcribe -transcription software
The Amazing Slow Downer –slows down music to help transcribe.
Audio Score Ultimate 7 - Converts audio information to Sibelius files
Photo Score Ultimate 7 - scans music and converts PDF to Sibelius
Transcriptions (Already Transcribed)
Jazz Education Database –All instruments
Informative Jazz Sites
History of Jazz -Good jazz history site
Historyjazz.com -Good breakdown of jazz history
Smithsonian Jazz - Excellent education resources
USC Jazz Reference Page - Great Jazz reference both theory & history
Jazz Improvisation Primer - Good Beginner information.
Taming the Saxophone- Jazz Improv. & Theory - Good outline of jazz theory and improvisation
Smartphone & Tablet Applications
Chord generator & Chord Scale Relationship Apps
Jazz Scale
Jazz Buddy
Accompaniment Apps
iRealb - Real book + Accompaniment
Smudge Apps Band – Accompaniment