Teacher, Trumpeter, Conductor,
Author, & Music Technology Specialist
Listening Room
Here are some samples of my music. Enjoy!!!!
Concerto for 7 Trumpets & Timpani by Johann Erts Altenburg
I performed all seven parts, AND the timpani (using a sample)
This recording is currently being featured on the astronomy television series, "Know Your Sky."
Air for Trumpet & Organ by Georg Phillip Telemann
I performed this on piccolo trumpet and used a sampled organ from the Garritan Personal Orchestra sample library.
Canzona a'4 for Four Cornetti by Samuel Schiedt
I performed all four parts--2 trumpets, 2 flugel horns.
Below are descriptions and links (when available) to my recent publications.

Technology Tips for Ensemble Teachers
2019 - Essential Music Technology: The Prestissimo Series- Oxford University Press- TO BE RELEASED ON SEPTEMBER 25!!!
Written by veteran music educator Peter J. Perry, Technology Tips for Ensemble Teacherspresents a collection of practical tips to help today's school music ensemble director incorporate and implement technology in all aspects of large ensemble instruction. This go-to guide offers specific methods for the use of technology in ensemble instruction, identifies applicable technologies, and details proven ways to successfully use those technologies in instruction. Tips throughout the book vary in type and complexity, allowing directors of all technical abilities to use the book effectively to meet the unique needs of their ensembles and students. They also offer content-specific examples for technologies in band, orchestra, jazz ensemble, and chorus instruction, as well as emerging ensemble settings such as percussion ensembles, guitar ensembles, rock bands, a capella groups, and iPad ensembles. With a special focus on current technologies including mobile devices, Technology Tips for Ensemble Teachers is a timely and useful resource for directors as students and classrooms become ever more technology-oriented.
"Technology Tips for Ensemble Teachers, is a goldmine of exactly what the title promises. Music teachers with a wide range of technical abilities and needs will all find something within these pages to up their game without overwhelming them...it's a must-have resource!" -- Hollis Taylor, Violinist, composer, alternative styles reviewer and ornithologist. An Australia Research Council Future Fellow at Macquarie University, Australian Strings Association
"This is an invaluable resource for anyone running an ensemble of any kind, and there are plently of useful tips whether you are new to incorporating technology into your teaching or already have some experience. Highly recommended." -- Carla Rees, PAN
"A unique balance of art and technology. Peter J. Perry shows the heart of a musician, the voice of a master teacher, and the mind of a futurist. His tips and strategies will surely change music teaching and learning for generations to come." -- Darla S. Hanley, Dean of the Professional Education Division, Berklee College of Music
"Peter J. Perry has created a must-have resource for the use of technology for the music educator. This book explores the use of technology as a tool for instruction, assessment, and everything in between. This book is a worthwhile addition to any music teacher's collection, mine included!" -- Jeffrey M. Tedford, Assistant Chair of the Department of Music and Director of Orchestras, Grove City College
The effect of flexible practice computer-assisted instruction and cognitive style on the development of music performance skills of high school instrumental students
Perry, Peter J.. Shenandoah University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2014. 3680791.
Abstract (summary)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect Flexible-Practice computer-assisted instruction software (specifically SmartMusic(TM)) and cognitive style (field-dependence and field-independence) had on the development of music performance skills in high school instrumental music students. Eighty high school students (N = 80) participated in the four-week study. Subjects completed the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) to assess their cognitive style. Following this, the researcher randomly assigned the population to control and treatment groups. Control group subjects practiced in a traditional rehearsal setting, while the treatment group worked with SmartMusic(TM) exclusively for the study period. The researcher used a pretest to establish a baseline for skills, and a posttest to assess musical performance skill development. Performance skills improved for the entire population, regardless of the instructional method used. In analyzing comparisons of total score means, subjects displayed typical field dependent and field independent characteristics in the performance of pretests and posttests for both control and treatment groups. Field dependent subjects demonstrated success in the traditional rehearsal method, while field independent subjects demonstrated success using SmartMusic(TM). A factorial 2 X 2 ANOVA revealed significant interaction between CAI usage and cognitive style ( p < .05). There were no other significant relationships. SmartMusic(TM) was effective for assisting the development of music performance skills for both field independent and field dependent subjects. Field independent subjects, however, found more success with this method than field dependent subjects did. Recommendations for future study are discussed.
NAfME - Music in a Minuet Blog Articles
2015 - NAfME Guest Blog
Technology Strategies for the Performing Ensemble Classroom
2015 - NAfME Guest Blog
The Media Player Master Classes for Large Ensemble Classroom
2016 - NAfME Guest Blog
Talking in Rehearsal-Using Words to Facilitate Music
2016 - NAfME Guest Blog
New Tech to Explore for Back to School
2016 - NAfME Guest Blog
Google Classroom for the Large Ensemble
2017 - NAfME Guest Blog
Creepy, Gross, and Macabre Things Lurking in Your Music Classroom:
2018 - NAfME Guest Blog
2018 - NAfME Guest Blog
Technology Strategies to Get You a Superior Adjudication!:
2020 - NAfME Guest Blog
Online Learning in the Ensemble Class?!
2020 - NAfME Guest Blog
2020 - NAfME Guest Blog
Get Back to Rehearsal with Technology
2021- NAfME Guest Blog
Scary Music Part 2—The Sequel!
2021- NAfME Guest Blog
Using Technology to Enhance Your School Concert
2022 - NAfME Guest Blog